
Welcome to Well and Empowered!

At Well and Empowered, we share our perspectives on health and wellness, as well as tools and technologies useful to empowering these.

Photo by Emma Simpson | Unsplash

Wellness and Empowered Knowledge

Health and wellness are much more than eating right and exercising. They involve everything from having a positive mindset, setting healthy goals, and feeling connection to the world outside of you.

Indeed, life can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Learning how to take things one moment at a time, to prioritize what truly matters to you, and to be mindful of your emotions and actions can empower you to live a more healthy and fulfilling life.

Feel free to check out our content either by category or by browsing through all its posts.

  • Why Sleep is Good for Your Health
    Some days there might be so much you want to get done. On those days you may wish you could spend the day’s full twenty-four hours doing whatever you need […]
  • How to Take Your Blood Pressure at Home
    If you are like most people, you only have blood pressure readings taken the few times a year that you go to see your healthcare provider. However, these few reading […]
  • Personal Health Monitoring Devices to Own
    Have you ever wondered what percent of water your body has? Or perhaps you have wondered if your body is getting as much oxygen as it needs, or what your […]


  • How to Learn Microsoft Office Excel
    If you work in any job that requires you to use a computer, chances you have probably encountered an Excel worksheet. You might have had to input information in to […]
  • How to Be in the Present – Easy Yet Hard
    “Be in the present” was a phrase I couldn’t quite grasp as I was growing up. Eventually I grasped the meaning. I came came to realize that I spent a […]
  • Positive Ways to Cope with Anxiety
    Life does not come with instructions and is full of unpredictable events. When you don’t know how to handle situations and or what to expect, your mind starts filling in […]

  • Has Technology Made Us Smarter?
    I personally love technology. Technology has made life so much easier for everyone around the world. Thanks to technology, we are able to mass produce products. Thanks to that, we […]
  • Raven Scanner Review – Go Paperless Solution
    If you are looking for go paperless solutions, you probably a reliable method to back up all the information you have stored on paper. You don’t want to take risks […]
  • Steps to a Paperless Office
    It happens to all of us. We print documents throughout the day at work, receive mail, and are handed documents at almost every meeting we attend. By the end of […]

  • Why Universal Basic Income is Good
    Lately you might have been hearing a bit more and more about the concept of universal basic income. It was brought into the spotlight most prominently by US presidential candidate […]
  • How to Avoid Drinking Alcohol
    Alcohol is something that is very common in our society. It is something many seem to consider as synonymous with having a good time. For that reason, it is sometimes […]
  • Effects of Growing Up Poor – Both Bad and Good
    Poverty affects all aspects of one’s life. Being poor is hard for anyone at any age. However, it can be especially hard for children as it can affect their physical […]

  • What is NDNQI? – An Overview
    If you’ve worked in a healthcare facility, chances are you’ve come across the acronym NDNQI. If you have not had any previous exposure to the acronym, you might have wondered, […]
  • Personal Health Record Benefits – Take Charge
    Each year, hundreds of thousands of medical errors occur in the United States. You can avoid these errors by being informed about your health and communicating clearly with your healthcare […]
  • FDA Drug Development Process – How It Works
    It is nice to be able to mitigate a headache or a specific health condition with a medication. Without these medications available to us, the quality of our lives might […]

Well and Empowered Tools

While some of the best things in life are free, investing in a few good products can sometimes make a big positive impact in your life.

It is possible for available tools and technologies to multiply your day to day efficiency. With them, you might be able to accomplish things that would have been very difficult, if not impossible, without their help.

Be sure to give careful thought to your purchases, however. Not everything has the same results for everyone. Only you have the best sense of what you can accord, and whether the investment would be worthwhile given your priorities, commitments, and abilities at a particular time.

Visit the Wellness Tools page to check out some items Well and Empowered would consider good investments for you.

Words of Wisdom

“Don’t wait for things to get better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise you will run out of time.” 

– Anonymous

“If you love life don’t waste time for time is what life is made up of.”

– Bruce Lee

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

– Maya Angelou

“How you do anything is how you do everything.”

– T. Harv Eker

“My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.”

– Dalai Lama XIV

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

– Charles Darwin