Get Rid of Paper Clutter with a Scanner

Getting rid of paper clutter would be easy if you did not care about discarding the content it contained. The challenge comes when you want to get rid of it yet preserve the information it holds. Scanning these documents to digitalize the information is a great way to accomplish this. A scanner can help you disappear your piles of paper while retaining all that information in digital format.

Need to reference a scanned document? You can simply search your computer and voila — you have your document. The information is now in format that you can easy carry, organize, and share. It is now more accessible, and you no longer have to deal with piles of paper clutter. Thanks to the work of a scanner, your paper clutter can make its way to the recycling bin.

papper clutter
Photo by Christa Dodoo | Unsplash

Paper Clutter Buildup – How it Creeps Up on You

Perhaps you are a student with library shelves with texts and school notes. As a good student, you might feel a strong connection to your textbooks and notes. Even after the school year was over, it might be very difficult for you to depart from them. You might feel that you need to reference the information at a later date.

Or perhaps you work in an office that requires you to deal with a lot of paperwork. You create a file each time a new project comes by. Each year you fill a new shelf or two worth of additional paper.

As the years passed, more and more paper accumulates.  You finally realize that the paper clutter build up is encroaching on your space. You even realize that the messiness it is creating has even begun to affect your emotional state.  

How a Scanner Helped Me Get Rid of Paper Clutter

About few years ago, I started feeling oppressed with the amount of paper by which I was surrounded. Even though I maintained it organized, I realized it was taking up a lot of valuable space. To make matters worse, I realized that I rarely referenced a majority of the paper I was keeping.

I eventually decided to take control of my environment. I bought myself a high-quality printer and set to work digitalizing my paper clutter. Admittedly, it was a long process to scan a few shelves of paper. However, in the end I had new found space that I could repurpose for by day-to-day activities.

To this day, I have maintained a paperless lifestyle thanks to my scanner. It continues to be one of the most useful purchases that I have made as it helps me be a lot more organized. I think a lot more people can benefit by getting rid of their paper clutter through digitalization.

Selecting the Right Scanner to Get Rid of Paper Clutter

 A scanner is a perfect tool to solve your paper clutter buildup problem. However, there are different types of scanners available. Selecting one with the right features will be important to be successful in getting rid of piles of paper clutter.

A good scanner for a decluttering project would be one that allows you to feed it many documents at once rather than one page at a time. It should also be able to scan both sides of a page at a time. This way you don’t have to scan each side individually. Furthermore, it should scan multiple pages fairly quickly.

The price point is something most individuals will want to consider when selecting a scanner. You’ll probably want to invest in one that is sufficient for your digitalization project, while not unnecessarily sophisticated or expensive.

The Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner is a probably a good choice for most individuals embarking in a project to get rid of paper clutter through digitalization. It has all the features just discussed. It can be fed multiple pages at a time, it can scan both sides of a page at once, and it is fairly quick.

Even after you have gotten rid of all of your paper clutter through digitalization, you’ll want to have this scanner to maintain a paperless lifestyle. It will make doing so a breeze. You could continue to store as many documents as you did in your past. However, you will be able to do so without the downsides of a cluttered, unappealing environment. Instead, you will have a numerous upsides. The information will be in a more versatile format, especially with the different option this scanner offers.

Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner - Great for getting rid of paper clutter
Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner

Features of Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner

The Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner can scan in monochrome (black and white), gray scale, or color at a rate of 30 pages per minute. With a 600 x 600 scanning resolution, the quality of the scans satisfies most needs. After you have prepared your documents, you will get through a pile of papers in a very short period of time.

As a duplex scanner, it can scan both sides of a page at once. However, it could also remove blank pages. And it could automatically rotate pages for you.

Additionally, the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner’s feed can handle 50 pages at a time, and the scanner can scan 4,000 pages a day. With such generous feed capacity and daily scan total capacities, you can surely get through your piles of paper rather quickly. A bonus is that it allows you to scan documents up to 240 inches long. (Other scanner might through you errors with such long documents.)

As if that were not enough to love of the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner, the include Epson Document Capture software allows you to rotate, delete, and rearrange scanned pages. Most importantly, it allows you to apply OCR to your scans. This means it can make your documents into searchable documents. By doing so, you can locate information you canned very easily. Simply type a keyword into the search bar, and documents containing those keywords should be detected.

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Choice of Wireless or Direct Connection

The Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner has the option to operate both wirelessly or through USB connection depending on your preference or situational need. Unlike some wireless scanner that don’t come with a USB cord, the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner includes the USB cord for your convenience.

While a number of people generally prefer the wireless option to reduce the number of wires in their environment, it is good to have the option of connecting directly to the computer. After all, you might feel that transmitting information wirelessly is not as secure as transmitting it via a direct connection. In that case, they would want to not use the scanner’s wireless feature and instead use the USB connection to link the scanner directly to your computer.

File Destination and Format

The Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner allows you to scan your document to a file location on your computer or to online accounts as SharePoint, Google Drive, or Evernote. You can choose to scan your documents into a searchable PDF. Or you can scan them into editable formats, such as Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. In other words, the scanner allows you to work with programs you are most comfortable with to assist you in digitalizing and organizing your paper clutter.

organized paper cutter
Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi | Unsplash

Scanner Price

Admittedly, at a few hundred dollars, this high-quality scanner is not cheap. The investment, however, pays off big time you will have a lot more room and comfort as you get rid of your paper clutter. You will also have the peace of mind that all your documents are in digital storage and that you would be able to reference them readily (even more so than when they were on paper) should you need to. Also, the ease of using the scanner will definitely save you time and effort and help you be more organized.

Sure, you might be able to scan your documents with less expensive scanners. But the scanning process will likely take more time and effort. And you might not be able to get the availability of searching or converting your documents.

person working in tidy workstation
Photo by XPS | Unsplash

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The Decluttering Process

If you have accumulated copious piles of paper, digitalizing all that paper will take time and effort. This is true even with the best of scanners. However, having a good scanner for such a project will make the task a lot more manageable.

Keep in mind that there is some preparatory work you will need to do in order to scan documents. For example, you will need to get rid of any staples, folds, and irregular edges on papers. This is important because otherwise the scanner can jam and cause the pages to wrinkle.

You will also need to come up with a way to electronically organize your scanned files. You can read more about this in Steps to a Paperless Office.

Look No Further – Get This Scanner to Get Rid of Paper Clutter

Without a scanner as the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner, digitizing your shelves and file cabinets full of paper seems like an insurmountable challenge. With a scanner as the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner, however, getting rid of your paper clutter becomes a doable undertaking.

You will have newfound space to walk, decorate, and enjoy. Your information will also be in a more accessible format than it was previously. This is because you can easily search through your scanned documents to locate a particular file. Depending on the file format specified, you can even edit what your scanned documents. Portability and sharing will also become non-issue. Essentially, you can carry your entire library or business in your bag.

For sure, the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner is an excellent choice for your personal or small business paper clutter digitalization project. While investing a few hundred dollars on a high-quality scanner can be a hard decision to undertake, it is definitely an investment that will pay itself off when you see all the benefits.  I, for one, consider investing in a quality scanner one of the best purchases I have made.

Where to Get the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner

Transform your life. Get the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner to start digitalizing your paper clutter today! You can find a link to where you can purchase the Epson DS-575W II Wireless Color Duplex Document Scanner in the Wellness Tools page. By making your purchase via that link, you will be supporting at no additional cost to you.

