As you probably already know, money alone does not buy happiness. There are plenty of very rich people who despite having a lot of money are quite miserable. Nonetheless, money […]
Some days there might be so much you want to get done. On those days you may wish you could spend the day’s full twenty-four hours doing whatever you need […]
There is no shortage of books, podcasts, and educational products touting the notion that getting into the real estate business is a good way to make money. It is true […]
If you’ve worked in a healthcare facility, chances are you’ve come across the acronym NDNQI. If you have not had any previous exposure to the acronym, you might have wondered, […]
If you work in any job that requires you to use a computer, chances you have probably encountered an Excel worksheet. You might have had to input information in to […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely impacted the way people work. For sure, many jobs that required its workers to go to the office each day are now being allowed to […]
Lately you might have been hearing a bit more and more about the concept of universal basic income. It was brought into the spotlight most prominently by US presidential candidate […]
I personally love technology. Technology has made life so much easier for everyone around the world. Thanks to technology, we are able to mass produce products. Thanks to that, we […]
In this day in age, it is not uncommon for people to make money through their websites. However, unless you went to school to learn how to do this, making […]
Getting rid of paper clutter would be easy if you did not care about discarding the content it contained. The challenge comes when you want to get rid of it […]
Alcohol is something that is very common in our society. It is something many seem to consider as synonymous with having a good time. For that reason, it is sometimes […]
“Be in the present” was a phrase I couldn’t quite grasp as I was growing up. Eventually I grasped the meaning. I came came to realize that I spent a […]
Poverty affects all aspects of one’s life. Being poor is hard for anyone at any age. However, it can be especially hard for children as it can affect their physical […]
If you are like most people, you only have blood pressure readings taken the few times a year that you go to see your healthcare provider. However, these few reading […]
Have you ever wondered what percent of water your body has? Or perhaps you have wondered if your body is getting as much oxygen as it needs, or what your […]
Each year, hundreds of thousands of medical errors occur in the United States. You can avoid these errors by being informed about your health and communicating clearly with your healthcare […]
It is nice to be able to mitigate a headache or a specific health condition with a medication. Without these medications available to us, the quality of our lives might […]
Life does not come with instructions and is full of unpredictable events. When you don’t know how to handle situations and or what to expect, your mind starts filling in […]
If you have a home mortgage, it is likely that your mortgage is one of your largest monthly expenses. This is particularly true if you live in states where home […]